About Us

Who We Are

A Non-denominational church of various races, backgrounds, and faith levels. We are a community of believers who value harmony among believers, God’s truths, our calling to serve, and our commission to make more disciples for Christ.

Purpose | Vision | Mission

Our Purpose

To reach the unsaved with the gospel of Christ, and to make Christian disciples that are committed to serve the Kingdom of Christ as ambassadors in the earth.

Our Vision

To use the glory given us by Christ to be the unified church he prayed for us to be, so the world will know the love of God through the savior

Our Mission

To serve the local and global community as a holistic ministry; touching themind, body, and soul of man to produce mature believers who are rooted in the word, renewed through worship, and who reflect the heart of Christ through their daily lives.



To become an Acts 2 Modeled Church.

  • Prioritize being together on ONE ACCORD.
  • Thrive on preaching that reaches the masses & draws them to Christ.
  • Rely on scriptural teaching, fellowship, communion & prayer.
  • Exist as a church fueled by vision & driven by purpose.
  • Value community evangelism by employing fun & creative ways to introduce others to Christ & His church.
  • Maintain a cultural relevance whereby consistent growth occurs.

To produce a healthier church from the inside out.

  • Acquire & develop leaders who can assist in leading the church to the fulfillment of its purpose and vision.
  • Use various methods to encourage strong involvement within the life of the church.
  • Organize spiritual retreats for marriages, leaders, youth, prayer, etc. for spiritual rejuvenation & growth.
  • Develop a youth & young adult ministry that is effective and thriving within the church & community.
  • Value all staff & the morale of those who serve within the church.
  • Construct a ministry that primarily but NOT exclusively targets & reaches those between the ages of 25-50.
  • Value outreach & creative programming as a staple of the church.
  • Give precedence to those OUTSIDE the church rather than those inside the church; namely visitors, the unsaved & the unchurched.

To help others experience Christ, & to strengthen Christian relationships through relevant ministries.

  • Women ministry – Financial empowerment – Anointed Music ministry.
  • Men ministry – Health & Wellness.
  • Small group ministry – Community Outreach.

To possess facilities that will minister to people’s economic, social, and physical needs.

  • Secure & or build a permanent home that will met our ministry needs.
  • Establish an additional worship location in a needed community within the 757.

Build churches’ finances to a place where we can thrive in ministry.

  • Implement annual stewardship plan to increase tithers and grow consistent givers (e.g. All tithers month, sacrificial giving Sunday, capital campaign pledges…etc).
  • Teach & preach on biblical stewardship.
  • Grow into a 90% or more tithing membership.
  • Build a primarily digital giving ministry.
  • Provide financial training classes for membership to assist with budgeting, saving, debt reduction & other money matters.
  • Avoid unnecessary debt as much as possible.
  • Tithe into the local community from the annual tithes of the church.

Get involved in the community, & establish a godly presence whereby it agrees with our purpose, mission, and vision as a ministry.

  • Partner with local organizations to assist with their goals & visions which positively impact our community.
  • Host community events to build healthy rapport with surrounding neighbors.
  • Use creative ways to develop a more positive and apparent community presence.
  • Minister to the needs of senior citizens in nursing homes by providing needed materials, social interaction, and spiritual support.
  • Adopt local schools within our immediate community to establish a Christian presence within the schools, and to assist with educational endeavors for our youth.
  • Support community causes that are meant to improve the community, it’s residents, and community relations.
  • Support local and global mission efforts.
  • See & serve the lost, left out & looked over within the immediate & global community.